Thursday, September 9, 2010

Let's be proud to be Haitians again.

Article written by
Roodly Philogene

Haiti is at the point of no return. As you can see, Preval has officially been pulling the puppet's string behind the curtain. He wants to keep the same system that has failed for the past 200 years because it works for him and his corrupted buddies that have sucked the government dry for decades. It is time for the Haitian people to wake up, and to say enough is enough. It is time to try new ways of doing things, new ways of thinking. I am not in favor of changing our culture, just the old mentality that the world is obliged to take care of us, feed us, and educate us.
 It is for this reason I am asking the Haitian people to support Michel Martelly to lead the country. I am not telling you that because I believe he is a miracle or a savior, but because I think he has the people's interest at heart. Like most of you, I initially opposed his candidacy because of his past acts as a musician, and like most of you, I am ashamed of his past behaviors and actions. Even in this acknoledgment we must understand that in his field of work, the character is not necessarily the actor, as that was and is the case with several high profile politicians in the United States. Now, let's make an analogy, would you keep on throwing your basketball in the same direction if it was not going in the basket? I am inclined to think your answer is no, and if not, you should reconsider your thought process. Now let's move on to more pressing questions. Why should we elect these same career politicians that have had their chances to lead but failed? We have no reason to think that Jacques Edoua Alexi, Yvon Neptune, Judes Celestin, and others are not more of the same. These are all leaders who have worked for the government and have failed miserably in their respective duties. Why should we all of a sudden think they are capable of occupying the highest office in the country? The answer is we cannot. They are asking us to trust on blind faith that they will change, while their records point to more failures.

 I am tired of being dependent on the international community; I am tired of begging, of so many children not being able to get a primary education, no security, no jobs, rampant corruptions, widespread hunger, the complete absence of clean water, no university, and the lack of both public and private infrastructure, etc. We must stop this abomination, this total disregard for the well being of the people. My Haitian brothers, let's remind them whom they are working for. Let’s put them on notice we understand what they are doing. We know that they are in power to make themselves rich at the expense of the poor people. They do not want changes. Why do you think they bar the diaspora from taking part in the political process? It is because they are terrified that we might change things around and open the eyes of the people. They do not want to be exposed because their incompetence is splendid. It is unfathomable to think a country the size of Haiti is so challenging to prosper despite its vast resources.

For too long, they have taken our country hostage. They have sabotaged our economy; they have made us think that we are poor when we are rich with vast natural resources. A country with our history does not need to beg the international community. Although, we welcome their help if they want to contribute to a better, durable, and beautiful Haiti. That is why we intend to take back our country by electing Mr. Michel Martelly as president of Haiti. He has a plan and a team ready to work for Haiti. As of this moment, I see that only Martelly can take our country on the path of success by putting an end to corruption, and unifying the people to work toward a common goal. I am making this call to all Haitians, the youth and the elders, as well, to go out and register to vote. Only through you, we can navigate our country to the 21st century. Let’s make a better Haiti for all Haitians.

1 comment:

  1. I concur! Must I also add that I am proud of you for turning around with so much gracefulness? I won't say much so I don't take over your spotlight but I admire your courage and salute your patriotism. Congratulations!!! on a well writen article.
